Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day everyone

Well it's March 17th already. Happy St. Patricks Day to all.
Well the New Mexico event was successful. They raised over $500 at last count. Our organizer was busy planning her move at the same time so I have yet to get her to 'guest blog' for us about her event but I'll keep working on it. I think it's important to hear from those at the front lines.
Not much else to report today unfortunately. Boy there really are alot of things that go on behind the curtains that keep me busy that I can't really report on yet. I wish that were a little different but for right now I don't have too much to share.
I have been doing some digital scrappbooking though and it's fun. If I could keep track of the kits/products that I use I would post some layouts but without being able to give credit for where I got the products I really shouldn't post them. I'll try to keep better records of what I used on each layout so I can at least post a few of them. I'm certainly not that good at it yet and there are tons of things to learn but it's exciting to try something new.
I want to mention My Craftivity again as it's a growing social networking site for crafters. I was about the 60th member and they have over 600 now. It's growing quick and people are starting to network with each other. It's FUN, you really should get over there and join.
See ya soon!

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