Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday once again

It's Friday again, Wow. I love Fridays. It's my regular scrap night with my neighbours.
This week has been quite busy for me. Working on some behind the scenes things that hopefully I can share here really soon.
I will be releasing the Let's ALL Scrapbook program manual after Easter. I'm excited to get this out there in the hands of many people who will hopefully bring this inclusive program to their own communities. Let's ALL Scrapbook is an easy to follow program manual outlining an inclusive scrapbooking program for kids (with and without disabilities). Look for that at the end of the month.
I've been dabbling in digital scrapbooking this week. It's fun! Maybe if I remember over the weekend I'll post some of my layouts so you can see. I think I'll end up being more of a hybrid scrapper in the end.
Look for a blog early next week giving you some details on our New Mexico event that's taking place tomorrow. Maybe if we are lucky and Kris our organizer isn't dead on her feet we might get a 'guest blog' from her. Keep your fingers crossed. It's always exciting to hear from the organizers and I can't wait to start sharing that will all of you (if there's actually anyone reading this blog :))

Cheers and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

ktease said...

I'm reading, Laurie! Never fear! Thanks so much for your hard work.

Kristin in Seattle/Issaquah


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