Thursday, January 10, 2008

Wow - I have a BLOG!

This is cool. I've thought about doing a Blog for a while now but just never got it going.

This is my first blog post and essentially I'm talking to myself lol. I should be used to that, I talk to myself all the time. I really do love to talk so blogging I'm sure will become second nature.

For the first few blogs I'll spend a little time telling you what Scrapping 4 Inclusion is about, how we started, what we are doing and why.

Today I'll tell you what Scrapping 4 Inclusion is and then tomorrow I'm going to try to send a blog by email and I'll share with you how it all started. Sound good?

Well here it goes........

Scrapping 4 Inclusion is a nationwide awareness and fundraising campaign that solely benefits The Bubel/Aiken Foundation.

We are developing a network of volunteers across the USA who are organizing a fundraising scrapbooking crop in their own community.

In 2007 we raised over $12,000.

Our 2008 goal is 100 events and we have over 50 locations on board right now so we are already halfway there.

The mission of Scrapping 4 Inclusion is to combine one of the fastest growing hobbies in North America with the need for creating awareness and raising funds on behalf of children with disabilities and their advocates at The Bubel/Aiken Foundation (TBAF).

In a nutshell we are a growing group of volunteers who are having fun scrapbooking while raising money for The Bubel/Aiken Foundation. What could be better than doing something we love to do while making a difference for children all over the country.

Until tomorrow......

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