Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today is my brothers birthday

Well Happy Birthday Tim!
I now officially didn't forget his birthday. The problem is that I really have no idea where he is or where he's living these days so I'm not sure I'll be able to reach him to wish him a happy birthday. I'll give it a shot tonight. I think I'll have to try the younger brother to see if he knows where the older one is.
So January is almost done and it's time to do a reality check! What did I accomplish this month. Time seems to fly by so quickly that if I dont' do this often then I'll lose track of time and I won't get where I want to go.
So what did I accomplish this month.
  1. Followed up with all the organizers to confirm who is on board for 2008. Still waiting to hear from 17 of them so that's not too bad.
  2. Sent out some requests for corporate sponsorship. I have over 300 to send out and I think I've sent about 60 or so. Not as good as I'd like.
  3. Started a blog.
  4. Opened a Facebook account and started a Scrapping 4 Inclusion group.
  5. Kept up contact with Memory Makers Magazine, working on building our partnership.
  6. Received products and made final decisions on promotional items.
  7. Started another business - this took up some of my time I must admit but it's kinda exciting.

So what do I want to make sure I finish before the month ends - in like 2 DAYS!

  1. Send out more corporate sponsorship requests - at least get to the half way mark
  2. Try to confirm the other 8 pending organizer leads I have.
  3. Open up account for promotional items and let all organizers know about it.

The good thing is that I did accomplish something and I'm excited to say that we have had one event completed this month, we have two more events with dates and I have confirmed 3 sponsors for prizes so I'm excited about that. I will announce who the sponsors are once they confirm the sponsor level that they are joining us at.

OK, full speed ahead. I want to accomplish TONS in February!

Have a great January 29th everyone.

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