Friday, February 29, 2008

Only every 4 years!

Do we get to have a Feb 29th.
The day has been like any other day for me. Friday is my normal 'scrap night' but tonight I'm having a 'girls group' gathering at my house instead. It will be a fun way to celebrate this extra day we have been given. Sometimes I wish I had more extra days.
Anyways, just wanted to pop in quickly as I haven't managed to blog yet this week. Wow and tomorrow is March already. I hope everyone else is in control of their time a bit better then I am right now. I can't beleive it's March tomorrow.
Over the weekend I'm really hoping to do my first digital scrapbook layout. If I do I'll post it here. I'm excited to try it out.
In closing I just want to say
ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL THE CROP IN NEW MEXICO. I'm thinking of you Kris in these last few days of planning. I'm sure you're event will be tons of fun.
Have you joined yet! What are you waiting for!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Great new site

I really need to get better control of my time. It's going by too quickly and I'm just not getting everything done that I want. This blogging thing is something I have to get better at too. I need to remember to blog every couple of days with just small pieces of information. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll get better as time goes by.
Lots on the go right now but nothing that's concrete enough to share quite yet.
I do have one thing that I want to share, it's a great site, a new type of social networking. I'm going to try to build up a network there to help us really get the word out about what we are doing.
My friend at F&W Publications (Memory Makers Magazine) asked me to join this site a couple of weeks ago as it was just starting. I've never been in at the beginning of anything so being somewhere around the 60th person to join was kinda cool.
It's called MyCraftivity
You have to register like any other social networking type of site (Facebook, Myspace) and you can create your own page, host a blog, upload photos etc. It's really a great little site. There are pushing 300 members now so it's certainly growing.
What I like about it is that it is focused on all things CRAFTING. You can join a group of scrapbookers, painters, or quilter etc. Join all of them if you want to. It's a great place to get ideas and share ideas on many types of crafts. I know many of us are involved and passionate about more that just scrapbooking. I can't wait to see where this site goes in the next few months.
Join now and check it out. Oh and don't forget to join the Scrapping 4 Inclusion group while you are there.
Have a great weekend

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February - the month for LOVE!

Everyone seems to be talking about Valentines Day these days. I know it's tomorrow but I've never really been a believer in celebrating your LOVE for anyone or anything on one specific day.
Yes I have received flowers in the past for Valentines Day but I've told my hubby more than once that I'd much rather him buy me flowers on a normal day for no reason at all. That's just how I feel about Valentines. It's a day for retailers to make more money selling 'stuff'.
Now this year we did something a bit different for my daughter. She is 9 and of course loves to take in those silly little Valentines cards to all her class mates. Well over the last few months she's taken quite a liking to the art of 'stamping' so this year she made her own cards and stamped each one of them and wrote a cute littel note to her friends. Things like "your cool" and "awesome". She really enjoyed it and I think this year giving these cards might actually mean something to her. Hopefully her friends will like them too.
Well I'm kinda in a little bit of a slump myself these days. I've got lots going on and wheels are turning all over the place but it just feels like with all this motion going on we aren't really going anywhere. Have you ever felt like that? I'm sure it will pass but it really makes me reflect on what I've done and what I still want to do and of course..... what can I be doing better to make those wheels go a little faster. Hopefully I'll come up with something.
In the meantime I have finally finished the instruction manual for the Let's ALL Scrapbook program. It's in the hands of the Foundation currently for their review. Then I'll release it and spend some time marketing it. It's really just a simple instruction manual to help anyone and everyone implement a 1-2 hour scrapbooking project with children. The goal is to get as many people out there as possible to host these craft sessions to get children together. Including kids with and without disabilities so that, even for a short time, they can experience what INCLUSION is all about.
Even if one person takes the initiative and implements just one class for 25 kids then there are 25 more kids with and without disabilities that are one small step closer to understanding and accepting each other for who they are. Inclusion can become a way of life if we all just take one small step at a time. Let's ALL Scrapbook is a tool to help others guide our communities towards inclusion, one step at a time.
For those who do celebrate it...... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ahhhhh February or should I say Brrrrrr February!

I'm slightly in shock right now as I just can't believe it's February already.


This month will mark the 2 year anniversary of my Mom's passing and these last 2 years have just flown by. Really makes you wonder sometimes if you are really making good use of your time here on earth. I'd like to think that I am, but still time goes so fast and I don't feel that I get enough done on any given day. I guess when I look at the big picture it looks better. That's what I'll do….. just look at the Big Picture and not worry about what I didn't get done today.


Now having said that, I've been meaning to blog and just haven't gotten around to it so today is the day to get that blog done. I really need to do this more often. The unfortunately thing is that there isn't that much to report on a regular basis but I'll do my best.


Today though I am very EXCITED!


I want to announce our very first PLATINUM SPONSOR for Scrapping 4 Inclusion.


Simply Cardstock - monthly cardstock kit club. They are donating a prize to 50 of our events and also offering a discount coupon to every single scrapbooker that attends our events this year. How exciting is that! Vicki's brother has CP and her parents had to struggle for everything for him so Vicki clearly see's the value in assisting our communities to become more 'INCLUSIVE' for all children.


Thank You Vicki and Simply Cardstock for being our first Platinum Sponsor. Please visit their website for information on their monthly kits.


I have three other sponsors from the Digital Scrapbooking world and I'll announce those tomorrow. I'm glad to have some digital sites on board as there are many scrapbooker who do both digital and paper scrapbooking so it's nice to have everyone included together. I know that I personally am looking forward to my dive into the digital world. That's coming up here really quickly as I just finished the photos for my daughter that weren't on digital. Everything else is now digital so I'll be doing a combination of both types of scrapbooking from now on and it's exciting.


Hope everyone stays warm. Happy Scrappin!



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