Friday, February 22, 2008

Great new site

I really need to get better control of my time. It's going by too quickly and I'm just not getting everything done that I want. This blogging thing is something I have to get better at too. I need to remember to blog every couple of days with just small pieces of information. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll get better as time goes by.
Lots on the go right now but nothing that's concrete enough to share quite yet.
I do have one thing that I want to share, it's a great site, a new type of social networking. I'm going to try to build up a network there to help us really get the word out about what we are doing.
My friend at F&W Publications (Memory Makers Magazine) asked me to join this site a couple of weeks ago as it was just starting. I've never been in at the beginning of anything so being somewhere around the 60th person to join was kinda cool.
It's called MyCraftivity
You have to register like any other social networking type of site (Facebook, Myspace) and you can create your own page, host a blog, upload photos etc. It's really a great little site. There are pushing 300 members now so it's certainly growing.
What I like about it is that it is focused on all things CRAFTING. You can join a group of scrapbookers, painters, or quilter etc. Join all of them if you want to. It's a great place to get ideas and share ideas on many types of crafts. I know many of us are involved and passionate about more that just scrapbooking. I can't wait to see where this site goes in the next few months.
Join now and check it out. Oh and don't forget to join the Scrapping 4 Inclusion group while you are there.
Have a great weekend

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