Thursday, June 26, 2008

boys vs girls

So , I have a real hard time following page maps, not sure why, bc I can when making cards, but scrap booking I can't. So I had looked at ideas for days trying to come up with a layout for my stamp club and was completely uninspired. So when I sat down with my paper, I did the pink page. I loved it. I love the colors, and the punches, the stamps, you name it. I used craft ink so that I could use light colored ink on the dark paper. Here is the funny part, then I realized that most of the club has BOYZ! You have to admit that is funny. So flowers and pink were a no go. The great thing is, it was super easy to do the blue pages. Change the colors and punches, and stamps... and viola, boy page. Stranger still bc I have two boys, and no girls. Sometimes, you just can't fight the pink!

1 comment:

Shirley Pando said...

What a great layout! Love how you've translated this from a sketch!


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